During the year 2015/2016 performance contract the Board of Management Kamwenja Teachers’ College, committed to ease the process of doing business with our main clients, the students among others.
Developing a college website is a major milestone in this college because it will also put the college in the league where it belongs in information technology development.
A website has a significant impact to al in the college as we endeavor to be digital and join the wider global family. This platform will not only benefit the students but the staff plus the other stakeholders and the wider community.
This positive gesture by the Board also meets and satisfies the needs of our 2016 ICT policy which requires that as a college we select, design and use information and communication systems to carry out a range of tasks and to solve problems making effective use of appropriate principles and techniques.
To the consumers of this product I urge you to make use of the broad and balanced experience of the range of information and communication system with an understanding of their capabilities and limitations.
I thank the Chief Principal and the Board of Management for accepting to finance this noble project which will make the college to grow in terms of information and communication technology.
It is my humble prayer that this is the start of a long journey towards achieving our dream of ICT development as envisioned in the vision 2030.
To our clients, remember computer and websites will never replace the teacher you are trained to be, but are tools to help you develop appropriate teaching and learning resources. Further, use the website to improve mastery of your content to sustain you in your lesson delivery and for professional growth.
Mrs. Elizabeth Atieno
Deputy Principal / Chairman Performance Contract